Edinburgh Cannonball Gin 700ml

Edinburgh Cannonball Gin is a gin that lives up to its evocative name. Bottled at 57.2% ABV 100% proof, with almost double the juniper and citrus than any other expression in the Edinburgh Gin range, allowing a smoother mouth feel. Cannonball is a favourite with bartenders.
Tasting Notes

Bottled at 57.2% abv, 100% proof. This higher alcohol content allows more botanicals. With almost double the juniper and citrus than anything else in the Edinburgh Gin range, this allows for a smoother mouth feel which counteracts the heat from the spirit. This is complimented by Szechuan peppercorns which give a warming tingle to the finish. Strong in both alcohol and flavour. A characterful, vigorously refreshing gin that will leave an impression.


GOLD Bartenders Brand Awards 2020
CHAMPION Bartenders Brand Awards 2021



