Edinburgh Cannonball Gin 700ml
Edinburgh Cannonball Gin is a gin that lives up to its evocative name. Bottled at 57.2% ABV 100% proof, with almost double the juniper and citrus than any other expression in the Edinburgh Gin range, allowing a smoother mouth feel. Cannonball is a favourite with bartenders.
Goes well with ...
Summer June
June Summer's ripe, sun-kissed fruit aromas transport you to the balmy, sun-kissed coastlines of a European Summer. Made with a blend of fragrant G'Vine June Peach Gin liqueur, smooth tequila, and tangy grapefruit juice.
Rhubarb & Ginger Martini
This is a beautifully crisp gin Martini, stirred down and simply served with a lemon twist packs a punch of bold and tangy flavours. Featuring Edinburgh Rhubarb & Ginger Gin which tastes like warm clouds of spice, under dappled ruby rays.
Mofo (Mojito Fox)
Try a Foxtail - expertly crafted blends by world renowned mixologist Antonio Lai featuring the ultra smooth Four Fox Saké. The Mofo (Mojito Fox) is a relatively lower ABV play on the mojito - the ultimate refreshing cocktail.