Edinburgh Classic Gin 700ml

Much like its birthplace, what lies within this bottle is far from ordinary. The finest grain spirit is brought together with an original balance of 14 botanicals. Filled with wonder, from distillation to first sip, this award winning gin is a labour of love and the heart of the range.
Tasting Notes

The finest grain spirit is brought together with an original balance of 14 botanicals. The woody hint of pine buds, aromatic lemongrass and floral lavender are all present. Fruity jammy flavour from black mulberries balances perfectly with the citrus from the orange and lime peels in the finish. Hazelnuts, thick with natural oils, add texture and a smooth mouthfeel. Perfectly balanced – refreshing, crisp and versatile. The heart of the range, and the perfect London Dry.


SILVER International Spirits Challenge 2021
CHAMPION Bartender Brand Awards 2020
GOLD Bartender Brand Awards 2020



