Edinburgh Classic Gin 700ml
Much like its birthplace, what lies within this bottle is far from ordinary. The finest grain spirit is brought together with an original balance of 14 botanicals. Filled with wonder, from distillation to first sip, this award winning gin is a labour of love and the heart of the range.
Goes well with ...
Summer June
June Summer's ripe, sun-kissed fruit aromas transport you to the balmy, sun-kissed coastlines of a European Summer. Made with a blend of fragrant G'Vine June Peach Gin liqueur, smooth tequila, and tangy grapefruit juice.
Rhubarb & Ginger Martini
This is a beautifully crisp gin Martini, stirred down and simply served with a lemon twist packs a punch of bold and tangy flavours. Featuring Edinburgh Rhubarb & Ginger Gin which tastes like warm clouds of spice, under dappled ruby rays.
Mofo (Mojito Fox)
Try a Foxtail - expertly crafted blends by world renowned mixologist Antonio Lai featuring the ultra smooth Four Fox Saké. The Mofo (Mojito Fox) is a relatively lower ABV play on the mojito - the ultimate refreshing cocktail.